For the construction of a “new” Algerian woman: diary of a maquisarde


  • Julieta Chinchilla Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)



This article seeks to analyse the construction of a “new” Algerian woman based on the column analysis Journal d’une maquisarde (“Diary of a maquisarde”), that appeared between June and August 1959 in the newspaper “El Moudjahid” (FLN’s official publication). The decision a foundational text, which was written in the context of a war, will allow us to reflect on the construction of a new female subjectivity in the short term, either to balance tensions and anxieties generated by the presence of women in the war, or to imagine what might sustain the role of women after independence.  


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How to Cite

Chinchilla , J. . (2021). For the construction of a “new” Algerian woman: diary of a maquisarde. Revista Paginas, 13(32).