Violence against women: analysis of three recent African novels


  • Adriana Franco Silva Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (México)



Since the establishment of colonization on the African continent, women's stories have been omitted or misunderstood. The project of colonial-capitalist-patriarchal modernity is based on the violence and subordination of what it identifies as the other. For this reason, with its implementation in Africa, the continent's power relations and its world senses were modified. In this structure, violence against women was positioned as a central element for the reproduction of the system. Notwithstanding, various African women have recuperated their stories and those of their ancestors. Literature has become a tool to recover those memories, question violence and delineate dignity. Thus, the questions that will guide this study are: How are the oppressions experienced by women represented, in literary texts, since the establishment of the modernity project? What is the objective of stating these violence? These interrogations will be answered from the analysis of three recent African novels: Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Period Pain by Kopano Matlwa.


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How to Cite

Franco Silva , A. . (2021). Violence against women: analysis of three recent African novels. Revista Paginas, 13(32).