‘It is possible to live without breathing.’ Theoretical context and practical framework of the divers of the royal Spanish Armada in the eighteenth century


  • Manuel-Reyes García Hurtado Universidad de A Coruña (España)




This paper analyses the literature produced and the principal instruments and machines devised in Europe throughout the Modern Age, whose purpose was to teach people to swim and to dive, as well as the medical techniques employed to revive drowned victims in the eighteenth century. In this cultural, material and scientific context, after the sinking of the ship San Juan de Alcántara in 1786 the pressing issue of creating diving schools in three departments of the Armada (Cadiz, Ferrol and Cartegena) was raised in Spain. This initiative would be the first of its kind in the world, but its development and effects were very limited, thus contributing to undermine the Armada at the end of the Old Regime, for divers were as essential in arsenals and on board ships as they were always insufficient in number.


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How to Cite

García Hurtado, M.-R. . (2021). ‘It is possible to live without breathing.’ Theoretical context and practical framework of the divers of the royal Spanish Armada in the eighteenth century. Revista Paginas, 13(32). https://doi.org/10.35305/rp.v13i32.501