De la dualidad de la Chakana pregunta al pensamiento crítico, una estrategia para producir textos


  • Beder Bocanegra Vilcamango Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo (Perú)
  • Raquel Yovana Tello Flores Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo (Perú)
  • Juan Diego Dávila Cisneros Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo (Perú)
  • Lindon Vela Meléndez Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo (Perú)



The present research aims to use the Chakana question to write an argumentative text based on the central vertical analysis. This is a qualitative-propositional and experimental study that describes the Chakana question as a didactic strategy that develops critical thinking, through three questions selected from nine. The results are significant because, through three questions, critical thinking is developed, considering the contribution of Paulo Freire in the critical interpretation of Zaylín Brito Lorenzo (text of 665 words). Eighteen sources have been used, of which 50 % are books. Among the quotations, only two are longer than 40 words in order to achieve critical thinking as a result. It is concluded that the Chakana question is a didactic strategy that develops critical thinking through the exercise of autonomy by selecting only one of the six levels of analysis. The selected questions became a space for the critique of Paulo Freire's thought and the relationships established between popular education and the libertarian sense within an emerging and libertarian school today. 


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How to Cite

Bocanegra Vilcamango, B. ., Tello Flores , R. Y., Dávila Cisneros, J. D. ., & Vela Meléndez, L. . (2022). De la dualidad de la Chakana pregunta al pensamiento crítico, una estrategia para producir textos. Revista Paginas, 14(36).