Embajadora de la paz: Ángela Oliveira Cézar, “diplomacia femenina”, confraternidad americana y pacifismo internacional en el pasaje del siglo XIX al XX


  • Paula Bruno Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina




The article deals with the trajectory of Ángela Oliveira Cézar (1860-1940), a woman born in Argentina who became a reference figure of international pacifism in the turn of nineteenth to twentieth century. Based on her itinerary, the possibilities and limits of a Latin American woman are analyzed when undertaking actions motivated by causes such as the American brotherhood and international pacifism, and the articulation between the local, regional and transnational repercussions of her ideas is shown. Her actions made her the first woman to found a peace association in Latin America and a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. To reconstruct his career, different types of sources have been used: Argentine, Latin American, American and European periodical press, official Argentine documentation produced for international events, personal correspondence from the time reproduced in published volumes, among others.


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How to Cite

Bruno, P. . (2022). Embajadora de la paz: Ángela Oliveira Cézar, “diplomacia femenina”, confraternidad americana y pacifismo internacional en el pasaje del siglo XIX al XX. Revista Paginas, 14(36). https://doi.org/10.35305/rp.v14i36.673